Welcome to In Your Head! Wrestling podcast, news and community!
Welcome to In Your Head! Wrestling podcast, news and community!
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Posted in Audio Archive by Jack at 12:20, Sep 27 2007
In the first hour we were joined by The One Warrior Nation. We went over his legal battles with WWE, working the Indy scene, Marty Jannetty, the current TV product, TNA, The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD and much more. For more information on his upcoming appearances at The Dream Reunion II in Kokomo, IN. October 6th and for All Out Mayhem October 13th please visit:
In the 2nd hour we were joined by WWE 2007 Diva Search Finalist Jessica Hatch. We went over how she got into the Diva Search Competition, her desire to win, her competitive nature, pursuing an in ring wrestling career, what makes her different and much more. To vote for Jessica please text "Jessica" to 44993 or visit her official website or the WWE Diva site at:
In the pre-show the IYH crew went over the week in wrestling. Including HHH vs Carlito/McMahon from RAW, the Smackdown Wedding with Kristal and Teddy Long, RAW's depleted roster, ECW's title picture with Tommy Dreamer Elijah Burke and CM Punk, Big Daddy V love and much more including the save_us.222 WWE vignettes and the possible return of Chris Jericho ?
Finally we were joined by IYH Scientist who revealed the shocking conclusion to the illegitimate son controversy surrounding Jack.
Posted in Audio Archive by Jack at 08:22, Sep 20 2007
In this impromptu late night edition of IYH with Jack and Riren we wish our OneInchBiceps well, and dedicate this show to him. We go over Marcus Cor Von's release, Ricky The dragon Steamboat, editing original music in WWE DVD's. As well as Tracy Smothers vs a Bear, Gordon Solie, Jack's unused TNA booking ideas, Mr. Kennedy, ECW, Mikey Whipwreck, the Penuts vs Family Circus. A heated debate between Jack and Riren over who would win in a wrestling match a crocodile or a great white shark. All this and so much more !!!
Posted in IYH Fan Hall Of Fame by Jack at 05:08, Sep 19 2007
The 3rd inductee into the Hall of Fame Class of 2007 is Xtremefalls43.
One of the staples of the IYH message board is the man known as XT. The winner of the Message Board MVP in the 2006 Heady's proves his importance and dedication to the IYH community. It can be said he is the most active member of the wrestling sections on the IYH message board, bringing in news that we often use and discuss on the live show. As well as voicing his opinions.
XT is not without controversy. As he can be very opinionated and fed up with what he considers "idiots", "marks", or posters he feels are using IYH for their own personal gain. This has also brought XT Feud of the Year in the 2005 and 2006 Headys. His flame wars with several members of the community are legendary.
XT's love of IYH can not be questioned. An avid listener of the show, active board member, sometimes caller and also a columnist for the IYH site. Which can be read in the Xtremeview section of the website.
Love him or hate him, you can't deny he is a vital member of the IYH community. For his loyality as a fan of the show we welcome Xtremefalls43 to the IYH Fan Hall of Fame Class of 2007.
Posted in Interview Recaps by Jack at 10:16, Sep 16 2007
By Neal Jones
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Posted in Interview Recaps by Jack at 09:35, Sep 16 2007
By Neal Jones
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Posted in IYH Fan Hall Of Fame by Jack at 04:46, Sep 15 2007
The next inductee into the IYH Hall of Fame Class of 2007 is Slartibardfast.
A long standing member of the IYH message board is also a regular caller and chat room participant. Slarti can normally be seen hanging out with the "Voices in Your Head" crowd on the IYH message board. Slarti shows the importance of the off topic nature of IYH, with his often humorous posts about non wrestling related news often about new gadgets and the world of sci fi. Slarti unlike some at the IYH board rarely participates in flame wars or insults which brought him a Heady Award for Baby Face of the Year in 2006.
Slarti's love of IYH has led him to several columns on the IYH website. The IYH PPV recaps by Slarti are often the most informative and entertaining PPV recaps on the net. Slarti has also taken it upon himself to give IYH fans live PPV play by play on the IYH message board, where all fans can read what is going on and interact with their thoughts as well.
For all Slartibardfast has done for IYH, and for his passion for IYH the show and message board, we here at IYH thank him with this honor. Welcome to the IYH Fan Hall of Fame Class of 2007 Slartibardfast.
Posted in IYH Fan Hall Of Fame by Jack at 05:50, Sep 14 2007
Buck Winchester as part of the Class of 2007 has been inducted into the IYH Fan Hall of Fame.
A long time fan of the show, Buck made his debut with a bang taking home the first ever Rookie of the Year trophy in 2005. A member of such memorable message board groups like Team Straight Pimpin, Buck's Bonanza and Wally Corp, Buck has a strong alliance with fellow hall of famer The Flea. Through out the years we have seen Buck grow as a man and as an IYH fan. Not long after winning the ROTY, Buck went on to co-host a special Wrestlemania Edition of IYH. Buck has won many Heady Awards, as well being the model for the ROTY trophy in the 2006 Headys. Buck is not without his share of controversy, as he had at many times quit the IYH message board, only to come back stronger than ever each time. We here at IYH would like to thank Buck for his years of support, and honor him with yet another achievement here at IYH. We hope to see Buck continued success in the years to come.
Your first entry into the Class of 2007 IYH Fan Hall of Fame...Buck Winchester.
Posted in Audio Archive by Jack at 05:28, Sep 13 2007
We were joined by Brad Anderson in the first half. We talked about the legendary Anderson family. Growing up in the wrestling business, today's wrestling business, NWA, WCW, WWE, TNA. Stories on Ric Flair, his father Gene Anderson, Ole Anderson, Dustin Rhodes, David Flair, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Kevin Sullivan, Dusty Rhodes, CW Anderson using the Anderson name, his days as Zan Panzer & Agent Steel and much more in this one hour interview. For more information on Brad Anderson please visit...
Brad Anderson's Myspace.
In the second hour we were joined by WWE Diva Search Finalist J. Kim. She talked about growing up a wrestling fan, wanting to pursue a career in the WWE, the Diva Search, her 21st birthday, her favorite wrestler, learning to wrestle and much more.
J. Kim's Myspace.
Click here to vote for J. Kim in the Diva Search.
In the pre and post show the IYH crew discussed TNA No Surrender, TNA going to 2 hours. Vince McMahon's son on RAW, recent WWE releases, upcoming ROH PPV and much more.
Posted in Interview Recaps by Jack at 07:11, Sep 07 2007
by "Riren" John Wiswell
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Posted in Audio Archive by Oneinchbiceps at 11:37, Sep 06 2007
We were joined by the Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs. Knobbs went over the big Dream Reunion II that takes place October 6th in Kokomo, IN. He also talked about Mick Foley, Maxx Payne, Kevin Sullivan, The Steiner Brothers, AWA, WCW, WWE and so much more including his upcoming TV Show Trailer Court Justice !!!
In the pre and post shows the IYH crew goes over the recent WWE suspensions and firing. How they changed plans for the WWE. TNA going to 2 hours, Rock's new movie, Scott Hall and Sid comeback rumors. Steve Austin's recent locker room speech at Summerslam, the NWA title tournament, Bryan Danielson's injury and much more including a clue into the identity of Jack's long lost son !!!!
Posted in Audio Archive by Jack at 04:29, Aug 30 2007
The search for Jack's son continues. Plus we talk to the fans about wrestling in general, the running theme being is wrestling getting stale ? Big Daddy V love, Great Khali vs Rey Mysterio on the horizon, Rey's silver body paint, the return of HHH, Summerslam, TNA booking, Ultra Mantis Black and so much more in this mind boggling edition of IYH !!!! Guaranteed to overdose your senses on 100% pure grade A IYHness or your money back !!!
Warning this edition of IYH may be hazardous to your mental well being.
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