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Welcome to In Your Head! Wrestling podcast, news and community!
Posted in IYH Fan Hall Of Fame by Jack at 06:26, Nov 09 2009
The 4th inductee into the IYH Fan Hall of Fame 2009 is Jobes.
Jobes is a long time fan of IYH. Jobes can regularly be seen on the IYH message board, the chat room as well as semi regular caller to IYH. Jobes is a founding member of the loved and hated Barbie Corp on the message board. He has been part of many flame wars with other members such as XT over the years. Jobes is also one of the many male IYH fans to have a child over the last couple of years, proving once again that IYH mans you up. Jobes also proudly displays his IYH pride on the Wrestlecrap Boards which helps spread the word of IYH. For his dedication to the Heady cause we welcome him into the Hall of Fame.
We are proud to welcome Jobes into the IYH Fan Hall of Fame Class of 2009.
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